How'd he do it? Well here's the story...
Every year my 317 ladies and I have our annual Jesus Party (He is the reason for the season yall!!), and this year the date was set for Saturday Dec 26, 2009. Apparently, Reese had been planning the party behind the scenes..even tho i thought I was the whole time..silly me...lol. My 317 ladies had known apparently for a quite a while his plans of proposing to me on the day of our jesus party so he would talk with my friends so that THEY would then basically pull my puppet strings to dance the way reese wanted me to dance...so essentially i had a part in planning my proposal as well hahaha. Anyhoots..just for background he essentially planned the DAY, LOCATION, TIME, etc of the Jesus party (which i guess could also be now called the proposal party). Usually we just have the girls at the party but this year we included significant others bc we said we were gonna make it more of a "celebration party" bc so many of us had something to celebrate (graduation, getting out of orientation, a recent move, etc) so there were more people at the party than usual...apparently this was orchestrated as well...i been bamboozled for real...
REWIND to Reese and Jessi's first kiss....picture it. We are at the Kovatch house and about to play a game of pool, best of 3 wins. If he wins, I have to crawl across the table and kiss him on the cheek. If I win, he has to wear a Dwight Freeney jersey for a week. Result--> I lost. So i made my way across the pool table (no damage was done to the leveling of the table..thank ya jesus im light...oh yea and dont yall start thinkin i was crawlin all trifalen and sexy cuz yall KNOW i was goofin off the whole way lol). At the end of the pool table crawl/jig I went to kiss him on the cheek...and that turned into the first kiss. How beautiful right? hahahaha.
FAST-FORWARD to Dec 26, 2009.
Reesaferd: "You been sayin we'd have a re-match in pool...so lets go then"
The beautiful one: "WHY NOW?!? all my friends are here and i dont wanna go downstairs to play a game of pool."
Then, after remembering reesaferd stating that i ask too many questions and ill prolly never allow him to propose to me bc of all the questions i ask, i decided not to ask anymore questions and just go play the game of pool.
Game one. Jessi the fabulous wins. Reesaferd racks the table. Reesaferd wins. Jessi begins to rack the table.
The beautiful one realizing reesaferd wont even roll down the balls in the far corner pocket: "Dang you can't even help me out?"
Reesaferd: "You lost...u rack em"
As I rolled around to the last pocket..I reached down into the pocket for the balls and there it was! The most beautiful brown box I've ever seen. By the time I pulled it out and looked up at him he was on one knee, making my heart melt with his words, and tearin up (it was allergies guys really...allergies...). My answer? Well I sat and deliberated for a while...weighed the pros and cons... oh who am i kiddin i said YES before he could finish all his beautiful words hahahaha...i kinda wish i couldve suppressed my natural reaction to say YES just to harrass him and give him a hard time but i was too excited, the ring was too pretty, and i love him too dag-gone much.
"Everyone upstairs already knows...dont they?" I asked.
"Oh yeah" he replied.
"Well just for the that then let's play another game and make em wait!" hahahaha
After we finished the last game of the 3 (i lost...dont judge me) we headed upstairs and when we opened the door i had my closest friends and my family there with balloons, poppers, cameras, hugs, and shouts for the newly engaged couple!!!
We both knew that a ring/engagement was in the future bc we've know for essentially our entire 2.5 year relationship that we'd be getting married one day (he still claims he knew from the first day he met me...apparently the first time we met he told his friend, nicole, "I'm gonna marry her one day"...and she actually validates this claim...i still think it was a lightweight, not serious remark but he stands by his claim that he KNEW he'd marry me one day). I'm so happy that this day was SO special, tho...even tho we both knew itd happen at some point he planned everything so perfect so that this day would be special and a memorable milestone in our lives. He's the greatest :)
Now we're just SO GEEKED to get the ball rollin and get married!!! I'd marry him today if there wasn't wedding planning to do!! I just can't wait to enter into a new level with him in marriage...can't wait to be MRS. JESSICA BROWN and the female co-ceo of the Goof Troop family (that's what we are callin out family...the goof troop..t-shirts will be available soon for Goof Troop members and supporters)
Now it's time for WEDDING PLANNING!!!! Not that i havent been lookin into stuff for the past 2 years hahahahha...but now i actually get to PLAN!!! and I actually will GET MARRIED!!! Oh im just so geeked...and SO BLESSED and thankful that God led us to eachother...Can't wait to start the next chapter of our lives as Mr. and Mrs. Brown :)
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