Friday, December 4, 2009

Geeked for my 4 days off

WAHOO FOR WORKING 3 12's AND THEN HAVING 4 DAYS OFF WITHOUT PTO!! I am so geeked for my 4 days off, too. Just found out last night reesaferd found a ride home for the weekend so we'll be able to...r u ready for this...we'll be able to go on our hunt for the perfect CHRISTMAS TREE!!!! OMG im so excited i cant contain never had my OWN christmas tree and reese and this will also be the first time reese n i go christmas tree shopping and decorating together!!! I plan on crankin the christmas tunes, maybe pop a bottle of champagne (or hot cocoa...same and go at it with the decoratin!

I also am gonna start with a new project. I am MAKING...yes making...reese and my stockings this year...I found this kit at a fabric store and it looks complex but the ladies behind the counter said I could do it so hopefully they are right! If not...violence will be the answer (my mommy n daddy taught me RIGHT! lol)

Other things on the TO DO list for the stretch off: Singers (the group i sang in at xavier) show, Jack's gymnastic meet (hes 6 and the cutest little gymnast u hav ever seen...hes my little man..ive babysat/been apart of their family since Jack was 6 mo and Jess was 5 i believe), sleep in, finish decorating the house, and go christmas shopping! I can't really afford to go all out w christmas gifts n buy something for everyone id like to but ima do wat i can! Life is expensive in case yall didnt know...n i dont even got kids to support yet!! yikers...maybe reese was right about just havin 2-3 kids instead of 4..we'd prolly go broke with 4...n kids n all the hubs and i WILL be takin sweet lovin romantic getaways for the 2 of us even with kids! we r gona make sure it happens!

Ok...time to start the day off by gettin BUFF!! ima monster...but dont be intimidated...i only unleash fury with ice cream is involved...or when i need to vent but reesaferd is the only one that gets that fury. It's included in the job description. God bless his soul. lol.

God is good. God is great. Reesaferd is my giant ape!! LOVE to all :)