Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Freedom :)

So we've been at this debt snowball business (courtesy of dave ramsey FPU) for about 3.5 months now and have already knocked off around $10,000 of debt!!! Granted we've been workin our tails off to do it and have really been disciplined with our budget...its just so nice to see the fruit of our hard work tho!

And then as we were goin over our budget and debt snowball for the next month we just got so excited bc its not going to be too much longer till we are debt free! Freedom from being enslaved to the lender!!! And then what's even more exciting is that once we are debt free, we'll save up an emergency fund of 3-6 months of living expenses, and then we can save for our house down payment!!!! AHHHH that just excites me so much! Well..sometimes i get nervous about the whole owning a house business (WE hav to fix everything when it messes up..WE have to pay for storm damage..etc etc)...i guess what i think is most exciting is just the freedom that comes w being debt feels good to manage our money instead of our money managing can have as much power as u allow urself to give it... im just super excited to be free from debt and then have US managing money for our goals and dreams...

and i really really really just want everyone to be able to feel this same way...too many people r slaves to that good ol dont get me wrong we all need money...and money in itself is not good...nor bad...its neutral...and its wat we make it...i just feel like too often we give money the power and then we let money manage us...and then before u know it ur strugglin to tread above water...

i REALLY feel like a basic how to manage ur money class should be required in high school bc its not very often kids/teens will hear about money and how to manage it prior to college... now getting distracted by the tv...old episode of greys...the one w the bomb in the guys' chest...perfect location...anyhoots...i suck and hav lost all ability to continue this blog... main point: excited about the future and being debt free...hoping that others feel/will feel this way too...