For the longest time I have had semi-long hair...the longest layer has tended to hang around right above my humble little ladies and ive essentially been battling damaged hair forever..i think when i hit middle school i started thinkin i should "do" my hair and that meant blow-drying and straightening...i think my hair could somewhat handle it at that stage, but after years of forcing my naturally wavy/curly hair to be what it is not my hair rebelled and decided to just dry up, abound with split ends, and adopt a not-so-soft texture...not cute. THEN, i started the phase of my life where i actually embraced my hair al naturale and let it stay curly. Throw in a little product, scrunch a bit, and WAH-LAH! Then i decided to self-color of the many poor decisions i made in high school. First of all, I'd like to take this moment to re-live the, initially, purple hair as dilley and chels tell me "Oh it looks so cute!" Hefas. Wasn't nothin cute about it. lol. EVENTUALLY it was tho..once the color faded into more of a light brownish. Another time I died my hair red...which i dont think looked bad but it was no "EUREKA!" fabulous look for me neither. Regardless of what the color looked like, my hair was FRIED after the hair dying episodes. So, I began the journey towards healthy hair...tryin to get it trimmed semi-often, not coloring it anymore, and trying to avoid the flat iron. THEN my face acted a hot mess, I ended up taking Accutane for my skin "issues" and let me tell ya what Accutane's main mechanism of action completely shuts off ALL sebaceous glands...ALL...not just to your face, but to those lovely hair follicles as well soooooo i essentially had NO OIL/NO MOISTURE goin to my face nor my lovely locks...therefore, my hair was breaking off...and fast. The ends of my hair, no matter what i did, were a hot all times. Wearing my hair curly made it less noticeable but the damage was still done. So since then ive been tryna rebuild this head of hair of mine. Everytime i went to get it "trimmed" my hair stylist would have to take off like 1.5 inches in order to clean up the ends somewhat while still keepin my hair completely get rid of the damage i would've had to cut my hair probably up to my shoulders..something I was unwilling to do. NOW, after much much time of not using a blow dryer/flat iron/heat in general/color my hair is rather long, the majority of it is soft, and the ratio of split ends : intact hair strands has greatly decreased. Below are 2 pics of my hair as of today..the first one shows a better all around pic and the second one i think documents the healthiness of my hair the best..No fly-aways, lovely and sleek with no effort other than waiting for my hair to dry on its convenient

So, naturally, now that my hair is long and for the most part healthy I am considering a hair change...not because i dont like my hair but i think i just want to change things up. Since it's taken 9.2 thousand years to get my hair this long AND healthy at the same time i am rather hesitant to cut it off in fear that the process of growin my hair out healthy again wont be finished until my hair has naturally turned BUT i think id look very sexy and sophisticated with a shoulder length bob (and i have a board of judges who agree) or some style around that length maybe a little shorter..and it'd be a nice change...but i think im more into the IDEA of it then the actually choppin it off idea..ummm PS. just looked up at the muted TV only to see some actress in a tank top, obviously bra-less, and RATHER cold...being that she practically filled the entire 46inch screen it was very hard to see any other than her boobies screaming for a bra to hug them...ok, sorry..that just really caught me off guard...back to my hair. OH WAIT! just looked up again and now there's detectives around her and shes lying face down (thank ya jesus) on a couch lookin rather lifeless...what am i watching? haha. Ok for real tho..back to my hair...SOOOO a part of me wants change, but i think the majority of me is too chicken to do it. Plus, i really like my hair...its unbelievably easy to do (take a shower..wrap it up in a towel...and either go to bed or just take the towel down after a bit and let it continue to dry on its own..) and i love my natural waves/curls and the length. If my hair doesnt dry the way i want it to, I just pull it back. It's so stress-free its kind of hairstyle...LOW MAINTENANCE! But still lovely :) In regards to coloring my hair to change it up im just really hesitant bc of how sensitive my hair is to unnatural, my hair has basically dyed itself! Somehow i used to be a golden blonde and mainly throughout my 4 years at Xavier did my hair pull a Optimus Prime and transform on me! For the majority of my life i been a golden my hair is quite a few shades darker and it has a reddish/bronzish base to it...still got the natural highlights tho! I really like my hair color the way it is, i wouldnt really wanna do too much changin it up...just maybe some more drastic highlights/lowlights..maybe some caramel or honey color? But then if i do that am i gonna ruin everything ive worked for!?!?! Is cutting my hair gonna be fabulous at first and then am i just gonna look back on pics of my lengthy locks in lustful longing?!?! OH THE DECISIONS!!! Can't i just have a personal stylist here at my beck and call to style my long hair differently every week so i dont hav to use my energy on it...or to cut my hair and make it super cute but then put in extensions when im sick of the short hair? Should I just go BALD?!?! I mean to be honest i dont got THAT bad of a head shape..other than the fact that i have a flat spot at the crown of my head and there's a good possibility my head will look a little grande without hair...and my strong chin will prolly look much stronger without some length to soften it...but it prolly wouldnt be too hard to make my bald head a shiny superstar tho!! haha...I am thankful for my long hair tho...its not the thickest but i got plenty of it...doesnt always do wat i want but it has its super fabulous moments and it keeps me warm like a natural scarf...and i think it fits me..i dont like spending too much time on my hair or make up so i typically dont do much with either of these categories and bein that my hair is low low maintenance (except for how long it takes to get all the nappies untangled with conditioner in the shower) it works for me! Also, the more and more i let it be watever it wants to be i seem to think it fits me more and more..sooooo who knows if im ever actually gona change anything with this head of hair of mine...i just hope that if anything ever does change its cuz i CHOSE to change it and its not due to some out-of-my hands reason...For now, i think ill just go get this head of hair of mine trimmed up soon...we'll see if anything else follows...