Lovin the Christmas season! With Reesaferd back for the weekend andthe Christmas spirit a-brewin' there was a whole lot of christmas cheer spreadin thru our apartment! This was the first year I got to really get into decorating and this is the my first very own Christmas tree!! and reese's too!! And what excites me most is that this will be our first Christmas where he doesn't have a time limit home...when he comes back on the 16th he's back for GOOD! And hopefully he finds a job in cincinnati so he stays HERE! But that's a whole different story...back to Christmas!!!
We aren't really getting each other gifts this year because of money being tight..essentially all of his money is in savings and mine i feel like i never see hahaha...I just recently signed on the dotted line to start having 10%
of my paycheck stashed away for retirement (crazy isnt it...retirement?!?! haha) AND i get money taken out each paycheck (pre-taxed which is sweet) to finish payin off my Lasik since I used a flexible spending account sooooo until i start pickin up overtime when im out of orientation my paychecks will continue to do their job but we def wont be playin the ballin santa clause! With every Christmas I get less and less focused on presents tho...dont get me wrong i love to give gifts but im in the process of thinkin up new ways to give instead of just
material gifts. The ideas are brewin but no final decisions yet...I'll continue to let alla that marinade and hopefully have a new way to bring Christmas cheer for next year! But for this year I don't have toooooo much shoppin to do...But still got PLENTY of christmas activities! What I'm lookin forward to MOST is the festival of lights + Polar Express in 4D!!! I've wanted to go to the festival of lights ever since i came to xavier but never been able to...freshman year i just outright missed it and the other 3 years i had known/been with maurice and i said id never go until i could go with him so this is our year!! I see commercials
for it and get butterflies inside...nerdy? yes...do i care? negativo! I also cant wait for the annual Jesus party with my naptown ladies!!! LOVE. IT. and LOVE. THEM. Ok sooooo i cant concentrate anymore...desperate housewives is on...and there is all types of insanity happenin on here...when i first saw desperate housewives i was like "ummm NOT my kind of show"...now im kinda addicted n love it..i didnt like it cuz i thought it was all about white picket fences and irritatingly "pleasantville type" people but the more i watch it the more i love that it...there's always a good message it gives out and it cracks me up w all the normalcy aka craziness that goes on behind the pretty houses and
attempts to be "perfect" cuz its SOOOOO true...unfortunately there's this idea of the stereotypical suburbia that has infected so many...this thought that with seclusion in a "nice area" with "nice houses" and "good people" (aka people who make good money) there should be no problems.. i say "poor people...they r SO confused about life in general" haha...eeeeeee shows back on...ol gurl stabbed herself in the stomach n shes tryna put the blame on her ex-hubster...crazy hefa...i feel bad for her tho..people who stoop that low r laying that low internally...so sad...ok bye...LOVE sittin here with our Christmas tree lighting the way! ps. our tree's name is Tondo (pronounced "tawn-doe) for no reason other than i just like the name Tondo..Let your light shine TONDO! and keep entertainin me desperate housewives!!!