We got our engagement pics back today and MAN ARE WE IN LOVE WITH THEM!!! Our photographer, michael bambino, and kim who put our "before the i do's" book together did SUCH a great job!!! we felt GREAT during the shoot but then i started to get nervous cuz sometimes i look like a total nerd ball when im smiling in pics cuz USUALLY i look like im fakin the small but these pics looked so great and no awkward smiles!! PHEW! lol...now that i think about it tho...maybe there was a lot of awkward photos but they just left them out haha...who knows!
We took a few "fierce" shots cuz we both have a fierce GQ/DIVA side of us that we like to pop up and be free now and again so we thought thatd be fun!! not to mention its gona be awesome when we can show the "fierce" pics to our kids one day to see just how hot mama and studly their parents "used to be" hahaha..."yes children...mommy and daddy WERE beasts!! killin the scene little ones...killin the scene!" lol...
the team at michael bambino studios have been so awesome to us as well...originally you just get a CD with all the pics on it so we could print them if we want (we have the original rights to all our pics) but they made a really cool book for us (no charge..cheddary biscuits!!) just cuz and then they liked our photo so much they made an xtra book and kept it for themselves to display at their studio! maurice and i felt rather honored! they should take pride in their work tho...i mean we arent the ugliest but they REALLY made the perfect shots...very pleased with what theyve done so far...lookin forward to wedding day pics :)
ok so on a different tip...ive been wanting to blog for SO long but just havnt bc the things i want to blog about are journal type, thought required blogs and i just havnt had the time/solitude to be able to sit down and really just journal...but i figure it takes no brains and point 2 seconds to blog about bein excited so figure ill get this one in before the rest which hopefully ill b able to start journalin soon! i gotta be in just the write mind frame, place, mood, etc to blog about actual thoughts/issues/etc and havnt found/had time for that place in a bit! lol...hopefully will be back soon dear blog to fill u with my thoughts...