Tuesday, February 16, 2010

GASP! Someone has soiled the air!!

My farts smell REALLY BAD. As in I wish I could separate myself from my bum bum bc this is torture. I've been tryin to stay seated with a blanket over me in order to keep the incessant episodes of flatulence trapped from the free world. Unfortunately this also poses a problem in that once i stand up (i can only sit down for so long GEESH!) all that has been trapped is released into the air and IT. IS. BRUTAL.

Reese says he still loves me. It's just his nostrils that can't stand me right now. I'm not gonna lie...I CANT STAND BEING AROUND ME RIGHT NOW. Lord MAKE IT END!!!! Save me from myself!!!!! JESUS TAKE THE WHEEL!!!!!

Bought to go out and eat...hopefully this subsides STAT or else the people around me won't be enjoying their food that much...although it might be funny watching other peoples' faces and reactions knowin that im the reason for such expression hahahaha...

And now...a moment of silence for all the olfactory nerves/receptors lost in this tragic event...

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Love is in the air

Ahhhh yes...love is in the air...but not JUST cuz it's valentine's day...no no no...that's just a coincidence. Love is just, plain and simply, in the air.

Obviously for a few days i have been in mourning after the devastating event last Sunday (also known as the colts essentially only PLAYIN playin for the first quarter of the superbowl which resulted in the Saints walked away being the champions. Dont get me wrong..im not tryin to downplay the Saints talent bc they r a great team and when credit is due it must be given..BUT i DO think the end result would've been different if the colts would've actually played the whole game). ANYHOOTS...i never abandoned my love and fidelity to the colts but i def was in mourning...I am feeling the love tho again...love for the Saints for playin their hearts out and love for my colts even tho they really disappointed me to the point where i think i deserve a PERSONAL apology.

Another love circulating in the air around here is love for my body/health! And for reese's too! We are really taking some serious steps to start living healthier lives. We've never been terribly unhealthy buuuuuuuut we def have had some serious room for improvement. We've really started to get serious with not just exercising (which we both enjoy to do anyhoots) but we are really tryin to eat healthier, buy healthier foods, etc. We've never been the greatest at cooking for ourselves, but it's starting NOW!! We like spending the time with eachother while cooking and it's such a great feeling knowing that the end product was our creation and it's actually good for us! What a concept lol. So that's our newest gig: loving ourselves enough to take the time to cook for ourselves and try our hardest to let the MAJORITY of the food that goes in us to be something that's actually going to be of nutritional benefit to us. I say "majority" because let's be real...we aren't setting ridiculous goals of cutting out all sweets (ooohhh how i love cupcakes and other baked delights), red meat, etc. We just realize that those foods need to be very minimum and infrequent.

My next area of love that is lofting around in my life is one that isn't necessarily NEW, but continues to grow and continues to amaze me. Not too hard to guess that this would be talking about reese and the love we share. My parents came down Saturday and the four of us made a day of checking out reception sites in hopes to find one that we could book. Low and behold...we found one!!! Walking around Elements (the site) I just got so excited and as we sat and talked to the wedding coordinator about packages, decorating ideas, and other "big day" plans i was just bubbling up inside with excitement...everything became so REAL...we now had a date, church, and reception site and that all just sank in and i just felt so overwhelmed with joy that YES our wedding IS going to happen...we know when...and we know where...everything else will fall into place. I literally SKIPPED out of the building as we left and grabbed reese's hand i was so overwhelmed with joy hahaha. THEN i got even MORE GREAT news about our wedding day...I received confirmation that my birth-daughter, Tori, will be our flower girl!!! For so long I dreamed that she would be in my future wedding (even before i knew i would be getting married!)...i couldn't think of anything else making the special day THAT much more special. Tori and her family will all be in attendance at our wedding and that brings me more happiness that i can even begin to try and verbalize. In my mother dearest's words.."my cup overfloweth" :)

Finally, today at church was the last segment of the series called "Manly" which has been alot about men and the sociocultural views of what makes a man vs wat GOD has said makes a man. At the end of the POWERFUL service the men were asked to come down to the front to receive a blessing and to affirm that YES they wanted to be men of God...live it walk it breathe it...Not every man got up and took the offer of comin to the front and i didnt want to even look at maurice so that if he went up there it would entirely be HIS choice. Sure enough, he got up...asked me to just wait where i we were sitting...and he made his way into the line that led him to the front. As he stood there in line I looked down on him (we had been sittin on the second balcony) and my heart overflowed with pride and love for him. For a while i continued to sing along with the music, but then i just stopped and started praying. Thanking God for planting the seed in my future husband's heart, and being overfilled with joy that maurice has let that seed grow. I sat there so humbled that God would think so much of maurice and i to have given us each other. And i am so grateful that I have been blessed with the ability to give and receive love and that i have been able to experience here on earth a love so great that it leaves me in awe. The song lyric couldn't be more fitting.."God blessed the broken road that led me straight to you"...there have been so many twists and turns, and ups and downs in my life thus far and all of them have been so worth it bc without it all i would not be right here. right now.

Now it can be hard now and then this whole relationship/marriage business...marriage means LIFE..it means i love him enough to challenge him, grow into him, submit myself to him...and that means he's doin the same for me...and while he takes the whole challenging business pretty well i on the other hand dont always respond with a big smile when he challenges me even when deep down i know right there and then that i should be challenged and i DO need to re-think things/actions..no no no...very often my gut reaction to his challenges (as loving and necessary as they are) and the challenges that come along with making a relationship work is frustration/impatience/resistance bc it OFTEN means I have more to work on. And well frankly, sometimes id rather not admit im imperfect and that i have to tweak things here and there...i mean geez wats wrong with a little ignorant bliss every now and then?! haha. Trust me...after i get over the initial reaction to the challenge i welcome the challenge with open arms bc its these challenges that are helping me to become who God created me to be and they are helping maurice and i become the husband and wife we were created to be. Regardless of how much you love someone, how much u "click", and how "good" of people u are relationships TAKE WORK. We all have a selfish gene in us that we have to fight thru...more often than not we naturally want to satisfy ourselves in the immediate moment rather than embrace challenges that take time but produce a much more magnificent result. I'm just so blessed to have someone who challenges me, not simply to be a pest and difficult, but because he truly loves me enough to help me be greater than i even knew i could be. He sees in me wat i dont and he challenges me with love to bring wat is buried underneath to the surface. And I lovingly do the same for him. Once again, not to prove someone's wrong or point out flaws out of spite etc...simply loving someone so much to help them become who God intended them to be. I can't say it enough...i am SO HUMBLED and SO THANKFUL that God would love maurice and i enough to give us eachother and the gift of genuine love. And im even more thankful that we were given the ability to SEE, APPRECIATE, and RECEIVE the gift of one another.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Looking forward to a relaxing Friday night...

So last weekend I worked Fri, Sat, Sunday night...then I had monday and tuesday off which I spent making phone calls to and visiting potential reception sites with the hubsters (which partly was torture because i got up early in order to make the phone calls and visit during "normal business hours" but for the most part the time was enjoyed). Then i worked wednesday and thursday night and now its Friday morning and I'm lookin forward to a few nights off!! I think ill wake up a LITTLE early today (maybe like 4ish? ok who am i kiddin ima need to sleep till atleast 5...ya gotta remember im goin to bed around 9am!) make a few phone calls and then hopefully have a *super dee duper* relaxing evening with the future Mr.

Forecast says we're getting a "winter storm" so im hoping to make some yummy dinner together, sip some hot cocoa, light some candles, and snuggle up and watch movies! I'll probably read some of my book, too (called "Committed"...i *love* it).

Then, Saturday is the *SUPERBOWL* of preaching at Crossroads! I'm so excited!! I absolutely love our church communit. I've been praying alot about my "issue" regarding catholicism vs protestant (i guess thats wat we'll call the whole scenario lol), and I really feel like God's been speakin to my spirit in little ways...Maurice and I have been going to a catholic service and crossroads on the weekends and are tryin to do that every weekend to fully engage in this search for wat God wants of us. As of now, I still have no definite answer...which is fine w me becuz im atleast at *peace* and i really wasnt for a little bit as i was trying to figure out this whole "religion" battle on my own...Now im trustin more that God knows my heart and hears my questions and frustrations and I know that, in time, I'll get my answer...but for now he's given me peace and dog-gone it that's fine with me indeed!!

Then...the finale of the weekend....*SUPERBOWL SUNDAY*!!!!! COLTS VS SAINTS!!!
Needless to say...im geeked! Reese and i are headin back to the *317* for a superbowl par-tay at the parentals!!! Im hopin that some of my mains can over and join in the fun, too!! Friends+family+my mom's delicious superbowl treats+THE COLTS IN THE SUPERBOWL= SHWEEEEEEEEEETNESS!!!!!
Now its 630am and im wrapping up my time here with my babies in the lovely CICU (they had a very good night!! ALWAYS a blessing...and i actually had some downtime now to blog..even sweeter!)... ready to go home...get some snoozies...and wake up to an awesome weekend :)

*Crossroads: The Daily*

I really liked this daily scripture/message sent from my amazing Crossroads family. Just wanted to share :)

Galatians 2:26-28

26You are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus, 27for all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ. 28There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.


Sometimes it's easier to receive grace than give it.
When you enter into a relationship with Jesus, you immediately become one with the entire family of Christ-followers: past, present, future. You don't handpick this family by deciding who's the most fun to hang around or who makes your life the easiest. Whoever chooses to follow Jesus is part of his family, and every one of us is fully loved and fully redeemed. So even though it's often our tendency to judge and rank others, God sees no distinctions or divisions between us. We all need the same measure of grace.

How does the idea of being welcomed into a new family strike you? What hopes or hesitation does this cause you to feel?
How has this new family (i.e. the Church) been one of the ways you've experienced God's love and freedom?

God's family, the Church, is designed to be a support system for Christ-followers and a force of God's love and freedom in the world. Just like any family unit, in order to be healthy, vibrant and effective, its members must be committed and engaged. Think of one need in your life right now, whether it's physical, emotional or spiritual. Ask God to meet that need through your Church family, and ask him to meet someone else's need through you.

Philippians 2:1-11

Have the Attitude of Christ

1 Is there any encouragement from belonging to Christ? Any comfort from his love? Any fellowship together in the Spirit? Are your hearts tender and compassionate? 2 Then make me truly happy by agreeing wholeheartedly with each other, loving one another, and working together with one mind and purpose.

3 Don’t be selfish; don’t try to impress others. Be humble, thinking of others as better than yourselves. 4 Don’t look out only for your own interests, but take an interest in others, too.
5 You must have the same attitude that Christ Jesus had. 6 Though he was God, he did not think of equality with God as something to cling to. 7 Instead, he gave up his divine privilege; he took the humble position of a slave and was born as a human being. When he appeared in human form, 8 he humbled himself in obedience to God and died a criminal’s death on a cross.

9 Therefore, God elevated him to the place of highest honor and gave him the name above all other names, 10 that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, 11 and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.