We started out the night at the hotel in Cbus...gettin all perdy, puttin the gear on, and OPENING PRESENTS!!! I think everyone enjoyed THAT!! Deb's def got some great gifts...hopefully she puts them all to use hahaha. After presents we ho
pped on the free shuttle to Mongolian Grill for din din. Note to self: pre-think what u want to be eating for dinner and what will taste good in a stir-fry before goin to mongolian grill again! haha. I was so lost. And very overwhelmed. It was silly busy and i was takin forever to try and decide what i thought MIGHT taste good together in my stir fry bowl...i ended up with steak, shrimp, chicken, veggies, potatoes, and BUFFALO SAUCE hahaha...after the grillers threw my sauce onto my mixture i just sat there lookin at my food sauteing and i was thinkin "for real jessi? buffalo sauce on ur stir fry?" My face made evident my lack of confidence in my ingredient choices. One of the grillers turned around and was like " wat u dont trust that we know wat we're doin?!" and im like "(SIGH)my guy my guy my guy.....i dont trust MYSELF!" hahaha...it turned out ok tho...not too shabby. To tag along with my obvious "i dont belong here" feelin I was in stilettos...silver sparkly strappy big bad boy stilettos in accompaniment with an outfit fit for a night on the town...unlike many of the friendly faces wearing hoodies and jeans (jessi's normal attire lol). We definitely stood out as divas goin
out for a bachelorette party should!! :) Deb's was decked out in sashes, blinking buttons, a veil, and a crown so i think it was a bit obvious wat we were up too that night.

Then...it was time to make the treacherous journey to the bar (called BIG BANG..it was a piano bar...never been to one.. WAY FUN...a little more country than i like but it was alot of fun!!) I thought i was gona die trudging in my heels to the bar. Rachel, debbie's sister, made a statement earlier that night that the bar was "right across the street from mongolian grill". I got juked!! haha... i love u rachel but that was NOT right across the street...especially not in stilettos and with no coat on a cold night (although that was my own personal FAIL of a decision..dont judge me) haha. But once we got there it was all fun times! We immediately had a round
of shots bought for us and we managed to wiggle our way down to the front and get a table! HEYYYYY!!!! Next time we go we gotta get there earlier tho so we can get a table DEAD CENTER on the floor. Deb's would've got more attention and moments of embarrassment if we woulda been closer. It's ok tho...she still got up on stage!!! "HEAD, SHOULDERS, KNEES AND TOES KNEES AND TOES. BOOBS! BOOBS!BOOBS! BOOBS!" hahahha! awesome lol

For the rest of the night it was just all fun times! Boogyin on down..a drinky drinky here and a drinky drinky there...enjoyin every second of it! But then...the night took a turn for the worse. The bar was closin down (yeaaaaa we shut it down yall haha) and we called for our taxis. Suddenly, a guy that works at the bar goes "ummm im really
sorry but i think ur taxis just got taken by those people"...WHAT?!?! how were we supposed to know it was OUR taxi THEY were gettin into?! and why didnt the bar guy stop them sooner?!?! Well, then they told us we couldnt wait inside the bar anymore soooo it was -700 degrees outside, i had no coat, killer stilettos on, and my feet were DYIN!! We were walkin closer to the main busy road to try and get a taxi only for me, rachel, and i think katie to suddenly be in the back of a pizza place. "Uh uh girls you gotta go!" DANG IT! We needed warmth!! Y couldnt she help a sister out! We eventually got a FREE ride home from angie's biffers (amen alleluiah...God bless his innocent soul with all us loud females packed in the car).

We finally got back to the hotel (insert: we didnt pay for transportation THERE or BACK! shweeeet) and literally within 5 minutes of bein back we had security called on us! FOR REAL?!?!?! FOR REAL PEOPLE?!?! we havent even been back for 5 minutes...thats not NEARLY long enuf to cause such a disturbance that would necessitate a security call. Get over yourselves people! I can understand if we stayed loud for a long time but we literally didnt hav enuf time to even let ourselves simmer! GEESH! We were all too knocked to even hav lasted another 10 minutes...the testy grump shoulda waited a bit longer cuz the only thing she/hed woulda been able to call about then was how loud we were snoring! Eh...watever tho...just glad we didnt get evicted lol. It was DEF nice to have the weekend out with the ladies...the drive up and back with my gurls provided great convos of nursing, our men, our lives, etc and the time with deb's and the other bridesmaids was great too! Nothin to worry about..just havin fun w the ladies and most importantly celebrating debbie's SOON TO wedded statismo!! CANT WAIT FOR THE WEDDING!!! We just might have to hit up the piano bar again that weekend! It was too fun to pass up!!! I can't wait for my bachelorette now too!! Chels and I have been brewin up some shweeeeeet ideas! GEEKED!!!
Ok...well it's back to work tomorrow so i need some snoozies....im STILL recovering from our fun-filled weekend so sleep is a MUST with these 12 hour work days!! Wats sad tho is that im more so recovering just from bein out so late...i mean i drank which i havnt done in QUITE a while but i really think it was the 3 somethin a.m. bedtime that REALLY got me. im a pansy. i know it. and thats fine! carry on!!! Now for some sleep so i can be at my FULL potential to save lives at the good ole j-o-b and CHANGE THE OUTCOME!! lol