AH HAAAAAAAA CALL ME BETTY CROCKER CUZ THE CHEF IS IN THE HOUSE!!! hahaha...turns out my last minute meal idea turned out to be FANTABULOUS! it smelled delicious but i was still a little hesitant, but after i concentrated on a spoonful of my creation i was so geeked! I know it's not like it's a meal fit for the food network, and my older brother tried to put me to shame by makin some crazy ridiculous amazing tilapia meal for my dad and grandma but gosh darn it im so proud of myself for my whipped together in 10 minutes meal!!! Ya gotta start somewhere right?? Hopefully my big bruhder will show a sista some love and help me out with the upgrades!! With my mom and sean around you'd expect me to be chef-boyar-jessi!! I keep tellin myself "in time jessi...in time...." hahaha.. Here's to a delicious nutritious meal!!!! :)