SOOOOO I've been working full time since July, yet everytime I look at my bank account I get so bummed out bc I don't see any growth in the number next to the phrase "available balance". It's been 5 stinkin months of full time workin yieldin great paychecks so im thinkin "shouldnt my bank account say i have more moolah?!?!" It's just kind of frustrating...GRANTED i have bought ALOT of great things for the apt, i HAVE an apt, i paid OFF my car, i been able to pay all my bills/groceries/etc, and i was able to pay for my Lasik eye surgery all on my own so i can see the fruit of my labor in what I have bought/paid for but GEESH...I want to SAVE money. I want to see growth in my bank account! I know that time will come...it's just kind of frustrating for now...and I am definitely grateful for all that I have been able to pay for...I'm just ready to have savings...start investing...start building a home down payment fund!! :)
BUT life happens...car brakes wear down and need replacing, student loans need to be paid off, the monthly bills wont ever stop a-flowin...and IN TIME i know ill be able to see financial growth esp in savings...not to mention reesaferd will be graduatin in december (GO REESE!!!) so as long as we dont run into troubles with the economy in regards to hiring new grads he will be working soon too so bills will be split which will be AMAZING!! He obviously hates the fact that he can't help out financially right now, but patience is a virture...and both of us need to work on that! Me needin to be patient with seeing growth in savings...and him needin to be patient with graduating and finding a job. Lord, grant us peace and patience!!!
Anyhoots...I'm thankful for the financial situation I am in and the wonderful job I have...I'm just ready to start seeing a number that reflects growth in my savings..im ready to see the fruit of my labor via the number next to "available balance"! But for now...thankful for what i got...workin on patience for that to come in the future...p.s. life costs too much...hahaha...