Wednesday, June 16, 2010


SOoooOooo Last Friday I interviewed both in Rileys PICU and Methodists NICU. Prior to going to the interviews I was thinking I would hands down like the PICU position more and wouldn't really like the NICU. I shadowed both units and really liked both!!! And I liked the NICU a WHOLE lot more than i thought i would. Of course there's the part where ya fall in love w all the little babies...ummm YES adorable! Just wanted to snuggle them all. But then there's still the part where I'd be able to work in a unit with high acuity and yet also get to do alot of teaching and actually SEE my babies grow and get healthy enough to go home! How rewarding! I *love* what i do now in the CICU, but very rarely do we actually get to see the progress our kids make. Our focus is more on their current critical state...get them stable and them send them to the step-down unit. I mean don't get me wrong its AMAZING seeing all of our interventions help these kidos and seeing them go from near-dead to crying and feeding and headin to the step-down. But we dont get much time to see the long term progress of the kids. In the NICU i would be able to really see my babies grow AND id have more time to actual do teaching and work with the parents. Something that REALLY excites me abou the NICU is that alot of the moms are young moms from the downtown area and what got me into nursing was that i wanted to work with young moms from underserved areas so i really feel like this could open alot of doors to a whole new world for me! Not to mention there are alot of organizations in indy for help for young moms/moms in need of resources due to socioeconomic status which i would love to be a part of. I have always had such a passion for helping to give babies the best possible chances and i feel like working with the parents is where it really, I'm rather excited about the idea of working in the NICU. I'm still really likin the idea of the PICU as well just because I would learn SOOOOO much because of all the exposure...itd be sad bc id be gettin normal healthy kids who now, at the age of 7, have a non-operable brain tumor and is dying...or id be gettin the child abuse cases, the MVAs, the drownings...there's definitely a whole lot of sad in the PICU..but so much opportunity to make a difference by our interventions.

So the second round of my interviews is this friday...i will have peer interviews at both units and then hopefully i will hear whether or not they are extending a job offer. Been prayin alot about where God wants me to be soooo we shall see!!!

ps. what BLOWS is that my first peer interview is at 8 AM on friday...and im working tonite (wednesday night) so ill sleep alot of tomorrow...and my body will be used to bein up all night so might not sleep all that hot thursday night...maybe ill just take a little nap and then stay up all night and just go to the interviews starting at 8 in the FREAKIN MORNING! Atleast I got a big stretch off from work to get some rest!!! Come on 5 days off!! Although now that i think about it...the first few days will be RATHER busy..interviews and traveling thursday/friday...moving to the new apt sat/sunday...and then fun busy=reeses bday and fathers day!!! wats REAL crazy is we will moving AGAIN in september but that time to good ol indy!!! moving blows lol

Anyhoots! lots of exciting stuff coming up!! excited for the changes