CHRISTMAS IS IN THREE DAYS!!! CRAZY!!!!! Perdy dag-gone exciting if ya ask me!!! It's such a humbling day...God sent his son to be born in a MANGER (not such a stereotypically king like crib eh?)..in essentially RAGS...and born the SAME WAY you and i are born (unless u were born c-section of course lol)...and yet this little baby born in such humble and far from king-like conditions God knew would be King of Kings and save us all. Not only was he BORN in humble and "normal, un-king like conditions" but he DIED a death that seems so unfit for a king. Atleast unfit for the worldly kings. It's just such a humbly and sobering time for me because in all my craziness, with all my mistakes, and for all those rather humanly errors i still have yet to make God sent his SON done to be born to live, teach, and die for ME...for YOU...because His love is just THAT GREAT. It just blows me away and while I often feel so unworthy of such love, compassion, mercy, grace I know that that is WHO God is and if I truly wasn't worth it then God never would've sent His son down to us. As I grow older Christmas grows deeper and deeper to me and in me...I joke around a lot sayin "HAPPY BIRTHDAY JESUS!" and wat not but i truly am geeked as corny as i sound bc im so grateful i have his birthday to celebrate!! He wouldnt have been BORN if he didnt have a BIRTHDAY...DUH! lol. Na but seriously...im just so humbled and in awe by God and those that sit to the right and left of Him and im so happy we have this time of year to celebrate because HE IS WORTHY TO BE PRAISED!!
Ok...sooooo i could go on forever about my man Jesus but now ill go onto my worldy things...lol. Soooo STILL workin on Reesaferd's stocking but making some SERIOUS progress! And wats REALLY exciting is he decided he wanted to make MINE so hes been sittin right next to me making mine while i make his!!! Im not gonna lie...i kinda doubted him....but mans a beast...lol...please everyone take a second to sit and picture maurice (a 6' 7" 235 lb basketball player) sewing sequins on a stocking...AHHHH ITS AMAZING hahahahahaha!!! hes the greatest :) It's been awesome havin him home, too. I can jump on him and attack him with my killer hugs and crop dust him ALL THE TIME NOW! life doesnt get much sweeter. We went to the festival of lights the day he came back and i really think i looked like a 4 year old goin out and exploring christmas lights for the first time...i sure as heck felt like it...when he kissed me i felt too young for it and i thought i was gonna get cooties from holdin his hand. Ok. Maybe not. But i did feel like a little one in wonderland but thats kinda me and him all the time sooooooo i suppose its nothing new so i should stop makin a big deal out of it. How sad. Anyhoots...we LOVED IT! it was a little frigid but our LOVE WAS HOT LIKE FI-AH!!! So we stayed warm.
Now I just gotta get thru work tomorrow. Then itll be CHRISTMAS EVE so well have the AWAITED show at Crossroads in accompaniment with SCRUMPTIOUS hot cocoa and then hangin out all day till dinner with his family that evening!!! Then...back to work but only for 8 hours on Christmas day...followed by driving DIRECTLY to indy for christmas din din with my fam-o and then the annual Jesus party on Saturday with my indy gurls+significant others!! Im super geeked. Then its christmas with his dads side of the fam on sunday...then work work ...then new years EVE plus kovatch christmas get together!!! THEN itll be 2010!!!! THIS IS MADNESS PEOPLE!!! SHEER INSANITY!!!! Time has flown fa real fa real! Tori (jaliyah) will then turn the big 6 on jan 3!! CANT U BELIEVE IT!!!! I cant believe it's really been 6 years...just crazy....anyhoots! Im gettin all worked up and excited but i gotta be asleep right now cuz i gotta wake up when its still pitch black tomorrow morning....i didnt intend to be typing/talking for this long...this has been a live broadcast from the lovely and fantabulous jessi...until next time...eat your fruits and veggies.