Thursday, March 25, 2010

SoOoOoOoOoOo BoReD

So it's 3:13 am as i start to type this. I've been at work now for 8 hours. Still have 4 more to go. Glory. My kid-o was busy at first, but she's been behaving and not doing anything too funky so for the past FOREVER ive just been sitting here. Hanging out with my other lovely nurses. Bored.

I suppose I am happy im bored because that means my kid is doing good (for the's all relative around here lol)...but GEESH ive exhausted all internet searching and i dont feel like reading right now in fear of falling asleep...and i couldnt think of anything really to blog about but seriously i couldnt check facebook again...even tho when im bored thats what i seem to do but i never seem to get anywhere. I just end up messaging a gang of people or i find myself flipping thru someone's pics that i dont even know only to suddenly realize "hey...i dont know this person" and then feel awkward and sign off. Only to sign back on in 30 minutes when i find myself bored again hoping that MAYBE one of my FRIENDS has posted something worth while. Although most of my friends aren't up at this hour sooooooooooooooo essentially the cycle just continues. I probably check all 4 of my email inboxes, facebook,, the weather, and 900,000 times in one slow night. Now when it's busy and i got a really ACTIVELY sick kid then it's a WHOLE DIFFERENT STORY. I barely get time to breathe which is kind of nice actually bc then when i finally sit down to catch that long lost breath i realize 9 hours have passed and it's almost time to hop in Merchinski (the vehicular) and head home. Not to mention i atleast feel PRODUCTIVE on those days...nights like tonite i feel more like a babysitter...which isnt always the worst thing bein that i love kids...ooooo unless they r fussy kids. Then i dont love them as much hahahaha jk jk jk...well im KIND OF just kidding lol. When they are consistently fussy for 12 hours ya just seem to lose that sympathetic "oh let me comfort you" feeling. Ya fight thru it, but sheesh i wish some of these fussy babies would listen to my wise words when i tell them, oh so lovingly, that they won't be liked in high school if they continue to be so whiney! Hopefully they heed my advice one day. I'm just lookin out for their social lives! They'll thank me one day. If only they knew...

Well now that im officially babbling i realize i DO have some things id like to *share*. Ah yes.. share time. The joys. WOW...IMMEDIATE INTERRUPTION OF THOUGHT NECESSARY: i was just offered a bootleg copy of "Ghetto fights part 3 and 4" by one of our PCA's... umm THANKS but no thanks!! He cracks me up tho...extra ghetto comin at me with BOOTLEGS of GHETTO FIGHTS tho. lol. So ghetto. and SO hilarious. Oh how i love people. Ok soooo back to share time.

*A Time to Travel?*

Maurice and i have been thinkin more and more about me doing traveling nursing and us going somewhere WARM for while! Most traveling nursing agencies won't take nurses until they have at least a year of experience and i wont have one year under my belt until July. Which is FINE bc we wouldn't want to travel until after our *Big Day* anyway. We just figure if Reese hasn't found a job that he really enjoys and is worth staying here for then why not get PAID (living expenses and health insurance are paid for) and go live somewhere WARM for a bit! Not to mention we'd be able to save ALOT of money cuz we'd basically pocket everything...and there's a big tax break for traveling nurses so id even be making more...kinda seems like a win-win situation! Reesaferd was thinkin maybe he could get certified as a personal trainer so then he could find a job wherever we go doing that. Figure we could do our traveling/exploring thing for maybe a year (MAYBE two), and then by the time we come back we'll have a DECENT chunk for a down payment on a *house* and we can be back by our family and friends. We both really want our kids to grow up around their family and our close friends so unless everybody decides to get up and move it looks like we'll end up in indy or cincinnati! But only God knows what's all really gonna happen. The traveling idea sure sounds delicious tho. Although we'd OBVIOUSLY be happy if reese landed a good job now...but let's face it...the market SUCKS. And ALOT of employers dont know what they are missing by not giving mah baby a chance. No they dont.

I'd have to figure something out tho with my job here cuz i love it so much i wouldn't want to set myself up for possibly not being able to work here again when i get back. Plenty of nurses here have left and traveled or worked somewhere else for a bit and then were able to come back, but they just lose their seniority i guess..i have no seniority to lose tho soooooo its all good haha. But we'll see what the man upstairs has in store for us.

Ok...time for 4 o' lives to save around here in case u didnt know...changing the outcome baby....changing the outcome...

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