Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Oh PAYCHECKS??? Where are youuuuu???

Monday, October 26, 2009
My Friends..My Roots...

Sunday, October 25, 2009
Have no fear! Chef Jessi's Here!!!

AH HAAAAAAAA CALL ME BETTY CROCKER CUZ THE CHEF IS IN THE HOUSE!!! hahaha...turns out my last minute meal idea turned out to be FANTABULOUS! it smelled delicious but i was still a little hesitant, but after i concentrated on a spoonful of my creation i was so geeked! I know it's not like it's a meal fit for the food network, and my older brother tried to put me to shame by makin some crazy ridiculous amazing tilapia meal for my dad and grandma but gosh darn it im so proud of myself for my whipped together in 10 minutes meal!!! Ya gotta start somewhere right?? Hopefully my big bruhder will show a sista some love and help me out with the upgrades!! With my mom and sean around you'd expect me to be chef-boyar-jessi!! I keep tellin myself "in time jessi...in time...." hahaha.. Here's to a delicious nutritious meal!!!! :)
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
A part of me wants to be like Betty Crocker...but I'm just not quite there!!

Sunday, October 18, 2009
Fall fun with the hunny
Today, I'm praying for a continued growth in Maurice and my relationship...i pray to see growth in my relationship with Jesus and i pray that the growth i obtain will produce fruit in my life and in the lives of those i share life with..I'm praying for peace in the Crider family..that they will rest in God's hand and depend on Him in this rather stressful yet exciting time..I pray that God would show them the doors that hav been opened and will continue to open now that one door has been shut..I pray that my personal "need" for control will decrease so that God can increase in my life..God, i ask that you would help me to fully remain in you as you have incessantly remained in me...I ask that you would watch over my family, friends, and loved ones...protect them from harm and guide their hearts closer to u...Put people in Tori's life so to bring her closer to you...as she grows, mold her heart into a heart that yearns for u and loves like u...i thank u for ur goodness...for all uve done in my life and for those i love...i thank u for ur mercy, ur faithfulness, ur guidance, and the peace that only u can give...open my heart...help me to love more...i look forward to growin growing closer with you n seein u even more present in my life..i pray this in the name of ur son..my savior...Jesus Christ...amen!
Monday, October 12, 2009
I can see clearly now...my eyes are fixed!!!
Sunday, October 11, 2009
The reason to my new blogging kick...
Now, where im goin w this is (at times i can be the queen of tangents..lol) that i think that somewhere along the road i began to keep everything in unless it was something i was strugglin w...i felt like its easier for people to listen to another's struggle than their joys bc no one wants to hear good news shoved down their throat ESPECIALLY when things arent all that great for them...i think i took this to the xtreme tho...its like i programmed myself in thinkin that people didnt WANT to hear the good things goin on in my life or in the lives of those i loved..i just kept the "jessi news" on the low-low so not to be that loathed individual who's always thinkin shes important enough to share everything w everyone...and THEN i got to lookin more into the things people post on facebook/myspace/blogs/etc...for those who always seemed to hav a new post up regarding time they r sharin w this person or the awesome weekend they just had i initially was thinkin "ummmm y r u sharin?...does it just make ya feel better?" n then i REALLY got to thinkin...n ive come to the conclusion that YES! YES, it feels better to share ur joys w others...even if its on a facebook status that people may or may not read nor care about...why? i have come to believe that there is power in OWNING your joys by CLAIMING them, n i truly believe that thoz individuals who do share themselves and their JOYS more than others do so not bc life is truly "perfect" and ALL smiles but bc, for the time being, things r lookin up and dag-gone-it they own that! AS THEY SHOULD...
after i finally came to the realization of the power in sharing oneself and claiming joys i actually found myself envious of those who had been doin it for so long...i was so bent on remaining so humble that i began to minimize ALL of the *BLESSINGS* that happen in my life EvErYdAy!! With the reality of the struggles that occur every second of everyday for so many.. poverty, hunger, addictions, poor spirits, and all the other daily stresses that r common to us all, its like i forgot to take the time to remember all the GOOD things that are happening...and not just say "yea theres good things happen but what about all of ...BLAH BLAH BLAH...that needs help n attention" but actually givin the good things in life the time they deserve. Ive always been a fun-lovin, high spirited individual especially when im celebrating the joys of others...but i havnt done enough claiming of my joys enough...and i figure why not start NOW!